How you been these last seven months?
Things are getting pretty sweaty and hot again here in Mayaville. But I’ve got good news, this Saturday I baptized my first family! It was a family of five but only the parents and the oldest of their kids were old enough to be baptized. The dad bore his testimony in sacrament meeting and they’re all pretty psyched to stay firm and to get sealed in the temple in a year from now. It was actually the same family that I told you about a month ago, that heard Mormon stories and didn’t want to talk to us. I’ll send you a photo of them.
I have a lot of stories but not a lot of time and my English is pretty poopy so I can’t really explain them in the time I have so I’ll try to write a few as they come to mind.
Alright, to explain some of these photos, the one of the “puke spewingly ugly dawg” is just so “puke spewingly ugly”, naturally I took a quick snapshot of it eating garbage. Sad.
The picture of the scorpion in the hand happened when we were sitting in the house of an investigator and a scorpion, or here "Alacran", came walking into the house. The investigator’s brother who is a Mexican Green Baret said ‘Don’t worry I’ll take care of it” Then he picked the thing up by its tail like it was nothing! I took a quick picture then he just put it outside to let it go on its merry way.
The picture of me holding a bird in my hand you could say is worth two in the bush.
There’s a picture with me and Elder Higginson and other homies.
The picture of the cat up on the wood pole is because what you can’t see is that there are 2 rat dogs barking at the bottom of the pole, don’t worry the cat got away. Quick fun fact: cat in Maya is Miic (mees).
Oh ya, the picture of me and the other missionaries in sombreros is when we played ping pong today. The other kid not dressed up as a missionary is named Alfredo and he was baptized about 2 weeks ago. He already has plans for going on a mission.
I’ll try to go more in depth on the spiritual stories next week, don’t worry I have a lot of them. It’s just hard to explain them in the short amount of time I have, especially when I send pictures, but for now that’s all the time I have.
Later Cocodrillos,
Ps mom one thing I would love in the package is more hydro-cortisone ya things are getting awful red around here if you catch my drift. Also, I would love to know exactly which areas Casey served in and what years so if I meet one of his converts I could send him a what up.
More lawn mowing.
A bird in Wesley's hand
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