How you all doing? Playa is treating me pretty well.
Yeah, so this last week was pretty nutzo, we went to Merida on Tuesday to the zone leader council where President told us all of the new stuff that’s going down. It was also cool cause I got to stay with my buddy Wadsworth (my old comp from the MTC) who’s a ZL in Merida. He’s been doing pretty well.
After that on Wednesday it was our only real full day of work. Then on Thursday we had one of the most awesome baptisms I’ve had during my mission! We baptized an elderly couple name Raul and Martha. Raul had some drinking problems but when the missionaries started coming he accepted everything is now 100 percent dedicated to the Lord. During his baptism he came out of the water weeping. It really was one of the more spiritual experiences for me during the mission, seeing the conversion of Raul. When president Monson gave his talk in priesthood session about missionary work, Raul decided to drop his political party to dedicate his time to missionary work and he’s also done a lot of other really awesome things.
On Friday we had to teach that capacitation again to the zone that President had taught us. Then that night we had another baptism of the daughter (named Gabi) of a new member family. And on Saturday we had the General Conferences. I don’t know if you heard but my Mission President is now a Seventy. His was the name that President Uchtdorf couldn’t pronounce haha. But he got ordained by Elder Oaks on Sunday, so he is officially a Seventy.
So those are the highlights of this week, so stay classy,
g2g cu l8er,
E. Smith
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