I’m sorry I’ve been writing soo little recently, but don’t worry this will longer.
Things are going well here. We’re improving the work right now. Everything is actually looking up for us to have a lot of baptisms for the next few weeks.
It’s been pretty crazy this last week because Elder Alonzo, a Seventy, has been going all around the mission telling us how we can improve and stuff. A new Elder showed up in the middle of it all of it so while President didn’t have time to find him his trainer, he hung out with us in the offices. And because my old companion was training my new one and on top of that another missionary got sick and is having to stay in the offices for a while, we became officially the largest companionship in the entire mission. There were 5 of us, but two of them left for their new areas today so now it looks like we are a trio, Elder Barrow and Elder King and I. They're both from Texas.
One kind of funny story is that while were in the middle of eating on Thursday I got a call giving me the heads up that the Seventy and President Salinas were heading to the offices that afternoon, after finishing taking pictures at a zone conference, so I realized that the offices were a huge disgusting pig site, so after eating I went screeching back to the offices making everything beautiful by cleaning up trash and picking up thrown clothes. After all of that got done, I was rushing with all my might because I knew if they saw me there cleaning I would of gotten worked, being the one now in charge of the offices. After about 10 minutes of speed cleaning I ran back to the area. I just thought it was kind of funny because afterward President complimented us on how the Seventy thought everything was really clean. (Just the offices themselves were pretty ugly haha.)
It’s been cool seeing all of the progression in my area. Yesterday we had a huge ward activity for Mexican Independence day and it was pretty cool. We brought about 15 investigators and they all liked it a ton. It was all super Yucatecan themed with all the little kids running around in their upiles and Guayaveras. They cooked about 15 kilos of meat, making some pretty good tacskis. Just over all a cool experience.
A cool spiritual experience is that we as missionaries really do have the authority to promise blessings. Yesterday we promised this one lady she would get a specific response to her question. Her question was if she should keep her baptism a secret from her family or not; including a secret from her children. We told what she should do, (to tell them) but also told her that if she read from the Book of Mormon and then prayed about it she would get her question answered. She prayed and then that same night had a dream of her being with her recently deceased sister who tells her to go and help her two children because they were falling away. Then the next day she said that while she was making breakfast for her kids and thinking of her dream both of them randomly came running up and hugged her and said they loved her. Cool eh? We have her baptism planned for this next week.
Mom, I loved my package. Those cookies were soo good and the new shoes are the best! Yesterday was the first rainstorm of my entire mission where my feet didn’t get wet.
Love you all tons,
Smith out
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